About The Cardinal

Fine Ceramics and Woodcraft

My name is Blake and I'm the artist and owner of The Cardinal. This business was born out of a re-familiarization with art and craft. From a young age I was always fascinated with making. My grandmother was a painter and she really sparked that creativity in me, hence the name. Her favorite bird was a Cardinal.

I lost that spark through most of my adolescence, but found it again in my 20s. It started with whittling, turned into woodcraft, and has since led me to ceramics. I'm having fun creating with the intent of expressing new and old aspects of my creativity.

In that same pursuit, I aim to make this a sustainable business in the sense of using upcycled materials and reusing things that would be waste. I recycle clay, I use storm fallen wood, and I do the best I can at repurposing packaging materials. The effort is to make something from what is already given and reduce waste.

I'm grateful you ended up here, and any support means the world to me. I'm humbled by the fact that I even get to do this.
